Featured News

November 3, 2021
‘This is caffeine-evolved’: Ingenious Ingredients co-founder talks up potential of paraxanthine
In addition to benefits for focus and athletic performance, without any of the negative effects of caffeine, Ingenious Ingredients’ new paraxanthine ingredient is being felt by consumers "in a way that they’ve never felt caffeine".
November 23, 2021
Ingenious Ingredients self-affirms GRAS status for paraxanthine ingredient
Ingenious Ingredients (Ing2) has announced it has achieved self-affirmed GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status for its Enfinity-branded paraxanthine ingredient for use in food and beverages.
August 11, 2021
Start-up’s ‘revolutionary’ dileucine outperforms leucine for muscle building
A new dileucine ingredient that leads to over 40% more muscle building potential than leucine alone is being commercialized by start-up Ingenious Ingredients, with the company already “vetting exclusive top-tier distribution and marketing partners”.